Newcastle Utd News

PIF Go Strawberry Picking


It has recently come to light that Newcastle United have reacquired the land at Strawberry Place behind the Gallowgate end of the stadium, with The Chronicle reporting on what may happen in the near future.

The land had previously been owned by the club but was sold off by He Who Shall Not Be Named to become a development for high-rise offices and residences much to the chagrin of the Newcastle faithful.

Not only were the fans not consulted on this move but the ramifications of what it meant for the club were severe – it seriously impacted the possibility of stadium development and the buildings would obscure the view of the stadium which is currently visible from all over the city.

There was hope when our new mega-rich owners rolled into town that they’d be able to buy back the land from the developers, but for a long time that didn’t look like it was on the cards. However, all that has changed now with the council seeing the light, realising that a stadium expansion is now a necessity as the recent upturn in the fortunes of the club has brought back fans in their droves.

Not only that, more people in and around the stadium can only mean more trade for local businesses, so with that in mind, the council rescinded its backing for the high-rise development and agreed the sale of the land back to the club.

This has obviously been in the works for a while as these deals don’t just happen overnight, but also, Darren Eales sounded a little bit TOO confident when talking about expanding St James Park towards the end of 2022.

Hopefully, now the club can move forward with a plan to increase the capacity at St James’ Park, ideally increasing the Gallowgate End to the same size as the Sir John Hall stand.

This can definitely be seen as another win for the new regime as the club continues to go from strength to strength under their guidance.

The Vital Football Podcast was LIVE on Tuesday night talking about Manchester City’s woes, Jesse Marsch’s sacking and Nathan Jones being all David Brent.

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Life-long Newcastle United sufferer and avid writer of words combining two passions into this site.

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