If You Compared Him To A Dictator How Would You Vote?

Comparing someone who is a multi-millionaire to a person, dead or alive who used to, or is currently suspected of giving orders and is thought by those within the inner circles of acting as if they have complete control/power and have no redress can, on my part be risky.

Hence, the following poll question has been created in such a way as to avoid putting myself in a situation I’d rather not be. OR afford.

Taking into account EVERYTHING you know, suspect to be true or believe COULD be genuine which answer would click if you were asked: “If you compared him to a dictator who would it be?”

I am sure you can work out who HIM is?

As it’s a weekend, most people will be busy doing whatever they do on a Sunday, probably family things. And so I’ll run the poll for a few days to give readers the opportunity to catch up.

I will publish the result later in the week.

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